【国際学会 International Conference】
[1] Etsuko Hasegawa,and Makiko Fujii,
"Study on high spatial resolution ToF-SIMS imaging of amino acids in skin tissue",
The 22nd International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry,(SIMS22)
Kyoto, Japan (2019.10.21)(poster)

[2] Rie Shishido,Makiko Fujii, Masaya Mitsuishi and Shigeru Suzuki,
"Effects of Polymer Crystallization on Molecular Sensitivity in Bi Cluster TOF-SIMS Measurements",
The 22nd International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry,(SIMS22)
Kyoto, Japan (2019.10.21)(poster)

[3] Yudai Ishii,Rie Shishido, Jiro Matsuo and Makiko Fujii,
"Effects of organic acid on polymer ionization process with various cluster ion beam irradiation",
The 22nd International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry,(SIMS22)
Kyoto, Japan (2019.10.21)(poster)

[4] Haruka Tanaka,Yuji Mishima, Takahisa Tsugoshi and Makiko Fujii,
"Quantitative analysis of organic compounds with ion attachment ionization mass spectrometry",
The 12th International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterizations for New Materials and Devices, (ALC'19),
Kyoto, Japan (2019.10.21)(poster)

[5] Makiko Fujii,Yudai Ishii, Etsuko Hasegawa, Rie Shishido and Jiro Matsuo,
"Study on ionization process and quantitative analysis of organic molecules with cluster ion beam irradiation",
The 22nd International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry,(SIMS22)
Kyoto, Japan (2019.10.22)(oral)

[6] Rie Shishido,Makiko Fujii, Masaya Mitsuishi and Shigeru Suzuki,
"Sensitivity Enhancement of Biological Lipid by Using Steroid Matrix in Bi Cluster TOF-SIMS",
The 22nd International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry,(SIMS22)
Kyoto, Japan (2019.10.23)(poster)

[7] Makiko Fujii, Yuji Mishima and Takahisa Tsugoshi,
"Development of "Vertual Tandem MS" with single Q-MS using Ion Attachment Ionization and Photo Ionization as EGA/MS for Screening Technique in Material Quality Control",
1st International Conference on Loss Prevention, Process Safety and Thermal Analysis,(LPPSTA)
Sun Hao International Hotel, Taiwan (2019.11.25)(oral)

【国内学会 Domestic Conference】
[1] 藤井麻樹子,石井雄大,宍戸理恵,
つくば国際会議場,茨城県つくば市 (2019.5.15)(poster)

[2] 藤井麻樹子,田中春香,三島有二,津越敬寿,
北九州国際会議場,福岡県北九州市 (2019.5.19)(poster)

【受賞 Award】
[1] Makiko Fujii
"Excellent Presentation Award",
The 22nd International Conference on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry,(SIMS22)
Kyoto, Japan (2019.10.24)